All posts by Moto Marty

Bike Blog Talking Parts

IMG_2535I wish the Myrtle Beach Bike Week Rally would have a swap meet like the Pee Dee Street Rodders car show has in March. I miss the good old swap meets. The closest swap meet around is in Charleston I believe.  I have not been to it but would like to go. At the meets you can always find some odd parts or items that never make it to online markets.

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Funny Pictures and Videos

Fall Time Fun


Here you can find some funny pictures I have taken, found, and some You Tube videos.

You got to love double speed. Makes the Cr80 and Raptor 250 like they are really flying.

I think this XR100 is a little faster than the Honda model.

No real explanation needed here. Me the monkey on a XR70 monkey bike.

Mmmm. family fun in the flooded front yard. The wife on here 250 ex

Cutting up on a 250 Raptor

Bike Tips #1 – #3

(1)  If anyone has any tips, info requests or tech info about motorcycle or atv riding and maintenance, please send them to I hope to have videos here in the future also.

(2) Fuel Woes.  It is a good idea to run your bike at least once a month to keep it running good. Ethanol in modern fuel plays havoc on bikes. It contains water and can rust your fuel tank and carb as well as swell up, shrink , and crack rubber components. A fuel stabilizer is recommended for bikes that are not driven daily. Some people use only 100 octane ethanol free fuel especially for older air cooled bikes

(3) How to Build a 1/4 acre backyard pit bike warm up track in under a hour.